after a weekend of breathing nauseating paint vapours and suffering a massive headache from it, the work is still not complete. even catten didn't like the smell.
only one or two days left. it's enough already. the workers told me that i am going to have to clean the tiles and floor after they are finished — not such a task but currently the walls' tiles are covered in this sort of greasy, dusty stuff and the floor is covered in dried up plaster and specks of paint. looks like i am going to have to "pull a cinderella" and get down on my hands and knees and scrub. i am sure i will need paint thinner to remove the paint specks over everything. it's ok, it's not like i haven't been cleaning constantly the whole week they've been here.
so here are some pictures of my "almost" finished bathroom. it's mostly up and running. looks a little bare and echoes at the moment but who cares — i have running water!!
the medicine cabinet & ugliest mirror on earth. [bad night shot of it!] did i mention they installed it upside down?? have to have that fixed on monday [watch, they'll tell me they

the new shower & bar for a my shower curtain complimented by large-style tiles.

in the background is the window with its most amateur looking mouldings. i was not pleased by this at all, not to mention the cracked tiles they didn't fix. the cheap-skate guy who was in charged didn't want to plaster around the chipped gyproc for the outlet fixture. i told the other guy i wanted it done anyway. it really looked ridiculous. he was very nice about it and "sort of" fixed it. sigh.
the new faucets. strange as i no longer have separate hot and cold knobs.

only one or two more days to endure of this.
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