the aftermath of our mini storm

when i looked out my window the next day, i found a felled tree on the grounds behind me. a little closer and it would have hit my building. couldn't believe it when i saw it! while it doesn't look terrifically big in the photo, this is a HUGE tree and probably at least 30 years old.
at least snow has now replaced the icy coating on the streets from friday's freezing rain and it is finally sunny!
Wow, that must have been a strong storm!!!
At the moment, it is blowing quite strongly and raining, but it's surely nothing quite like you had...
This has been one dangerous season! We just had a serious snow storm last week which caused a lot of accidents. Luckily, I made it out alive!
rosa & beenzzz - the weather worldwide has really changed over the years, i find.
global warming, no doubt.
hopefully it will be an ok winter.
Hi Burekaboy,
We geologists tend to think that everything is always changing, weather has it's ups and downs, and always has been. But you gotta dodge those trees sometimes!
Most of our snow here in downtown Vancouver has melted, but the ski slopes are open early this year!
I have put Miguel on my blog, but I see he only comes with dog biscuits. He will grow thin as he really prefers cheese!
hey pam,
where is he?? didn't see him. unless i looked in the wrong place. love the name miguel.
wow, didn't know you're a geologist but then from all the travelling...
Bummer! It always makes me sad to see the aftermath of a storm. We were hit with quite a few freak storms this past summer. It was over 90 degrees outside and we were hit by a hail storm with huge hail nuggets. It flooded our basement. Yuck!
ml - i remember one year we had a hail storm and it did tremendous damage to cars and windows. the extreme changes in weather can be very hazardous. flooding has got to be one of the worst things to clean up. hope you didn't suffer tremendous damage.
Hi Burekaboy, well, Miguel is on the front page on the right hand side near the bottom but above the subliminal message which is down the very bottom. Then again, he IS an imaginary dog so perhaps I am just imagining him. But if you can manage to feed him some cheese I am sure he would be pleased!
Looking forward to hearing how the wasabi peas went, sounds like it could be an ugly experiment, or a winner! And a good thing to experiment with near the holidays, perfect for snackies.
hey pam - OHHHH duhhh [lol]. i hope he likes brie.
i am cautiously approaching my lab experiment with the wasabi peas. i foresee a possible disaster. not so much with the coating ingredients but more with the peas. mushy peas, anyone?? :-].
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