Thursday, November 09, 2006

what could these be?

when i saw these, i laughed.

i also had no clue what they were at first.

do you?


  1. Interesting... very interesting, but what the heck are they (other than retro green bathtubs with shower heads... interesting! 8^)

  2. aja - what?? no brilliant guesses?! i'd have thought u'd know what they are.

    lol, they do look like 70s bathtubs however inefficient with the holes.

    clue: it has something to do with birds.

  3. Strange bathtubs with holes ;-)!!! ...
    I wonder if it has anything to do with cheese, but why do those bathtubs have shower heads?!?

    Je donne ma langue au chat ;-P..

  4. Sorry about the feeble response, my brilliance has been a bit on the decline lately, but hopefully will reappear soon 8^) Are they birdfeeders to hand on laundry lines, so that the squirrels can't get the seed? I kind of liked them as psycho-bathtubs...

  5. hmmm... getting closer. they do involve birds & water. and it does function as a bathtub, sorta kinda.

    it's for human use though not for kritters.

  6. a soap dish??? for bird shaped soap used by british birds?

    I'm flummoxed *^)
